Establishing a strong policy and procedure review process ensures your business remains as compliant and competitive as possible.

Updating policies doesn’t mean that you have to rewrite everything. If it did, policy review cycles would be measured in decades. It means looking at your policies, procedures, and supplemental documentation to find out what works, what you don’t need, and what needs modification. Doing this has multiple benefits, such as helping to improve business processes and stay in line with the best practices in your industry.

Eventually, regardless of how hard we try, the policies we write will no longer be the best tools to help us achieve our mission. They may even hinder growth by stifling new ideas or processes to improve cost and efficiency. Antiquated policies can also harm employee morale by making their job more difficult or being needlessly restrictive. 

When trying to determine whether or not a policy or procedure should be changed or deleted, ask yourself these questions:

  • How does it help my business?

  • Does it negatively impact my employees?

  • Is it negatively impacting the business?

  • Can it be updated and improved?

  • Is it still relevant today?


No matter the size of your business or what industry you’re in, the policy and procedure review process is complicated. Ensuring that your policies are legally compliant, mission-driven, easy to understand, and suitable for your employees feels like a juggling act. The umbrella of business covers more now than ever before. It’s important your policies and procedures reflect this. 


Don’t let the world evolve while your policies stay the same. See how we can help you take control of your policy management


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    Policy & Procedure Review

    We offer comprehensive solutions with expertise in loss prevention and risk management, ergo, we are committed to providing effortless, professional services with the right technology and support to guarantee increased profit margins and reduce economic loss, thereby optimizing shareholder’s returns, management expectations, and clients’ satisfaction.